About Cost

Controlling costs and managing total cost of ownership

The principle of TCO as included in our philosophy for supply chain management, shows an enormous field of potential win-win cost savings.


The principle of TCO as included in our philosophy for supply chain management, shows an enormous field of potential win-win cost savings.

Low operating costs are more important than ever. We reduce operating costs by organizing and executing everything as efficient as possible. Our one-stop shopping philosophy includes a large number of operational facets. We can guarantee the highest quality at low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). This includes the total costs, such as purchase, usage and consumption costs. Our TCO philosophy goes hand in hand with supply chain management. Together with you we look at all direct and indirect relevant costs. This is how we ensure an efficient, suitable solution.


Within 2 weeks we will publish an exclusive interview with Paul Muller, Procurement contract manager APG Europe, in which he tells aboutthe importance of cost control of primary packaging for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.